Location Location Location
Morgan and Dayne’s engagements started out with a few hiccups on my part! We ended up at a local Salt Lake City Park in the late morning and I am so glad we did! Sugarhouse park is actually were I got my engagements. It is fun to go back there and take engagement photos for others.
Dayne and Morgan were so flexible! It had snowed a lot that week. We were planning on a particular area in the canyon that I knew would be knee deep. We decided that may not be best with heels haha! They opted out for Antelope Island Since it was supposed to be dreary morning anyway, cloud coverage around 11:00 AM wouldn’t matter. Then I woke up to beautiful sunshine! I was excited but in a slight panic. I can’t take them out to a huge open space in the middle of the day! Lighting is the most important thing to look for and I wanted to make sure they had the best light. So they were awesome and we made the switch last minute, talk about dream clients.
Salt Lake City Park
What I love about Salt Lake is that they have a lot to offer both in the canyons and down in the valley. I always get questions about where in the mountains I was shooting when really, I was at a park 20 minutes away from my house. With the right positioning, you can make it look like you are in the middle of nature. I find that to be so great. I even shoot off the side of roads or in people’s backyards (with permission of course!) and totally get the best looks! Stay tuned for Dayne and Morgan’s formals coming up in the next couple weeks. They are going to be classy and gorgeous! To find more info in regards to engagement sessions, check out this link here.
Schouten Wedding ll Salt Lake Temple Wedding ll Utah Wedding Photographer - Utah Wedding and Portrait Photographer | Kailey Rae Photography[…] see Morgan and Dayne’s engagements, head here. To see their formals, head […]