We cannot believe it has already been a month with our daughter. I am sure all parent’s say that, but wow time sure does fly.
I will eventually get her birth story and newborn pictures up here, I promise!
At her last appointment, Avett weighed 8lbs and 13 oz and was 20 1/4 inches long. Since that was two weeks ago I am sure she is well over that. She is a very good eater and could eat all day if she wanted. She makes the best coo noises while doing so. She even takes a bottle well and a binkie too!
Avett Rae is the best baby, she hardly ever cries. When she does, it is more of a whine, basically to get your attention haha. She has recently developed a little bit more of a personality, she is a wiggle worm and loves to be held. Her absolute favorite spot is Connor’s chest, she falls asleep instantly. She likes exploring the house and the big windows in our front room. White noise is also her favorite. I am thinking she will know the show “Friends” word for word when she grows up because that is all I have been watching with her!
She is not a fan of being swaddled, she always seems to find her way out of it, she likes her arms by her head when she sleeps.
My favorite thing about her right now is her many faces she likes to give, she is just so squishy I can’t even stand it.
Connor loves to lay with her and relax. Morning naps have become a ritual.
We cannot wait to see what the next month brings us! Here are some quick iPhone shots and pictures we have taken over the past month.
iPhone shots from the hospital.
That left picture gets me every time! First pic with dad.
The first few days with her at the hospital.
The day we went home, they let us take her?!
The first few days at home consisted of visitors, pictures, and veryyyy sleepy parents haha!
Avett is lucky to have a lot of cousins and friends close to her age!
Christmas was 11 days after she was born, so she got to see a lot of family.
The many faces we love (the middle is my all time fav).
Avett in a few modeling gigs!
More cuteness, and some sassiness.
One Week Old.
Two Weeks Old.
Three Weeks Old.
4 Weeks Old.